DevOps is considered to be the union of the developer and operations. In this article, we have listed the Best DevOps certifications that boost the career for managers, engineers, developers, testers, and more

9 Best DevOps Certifications for 2021 | Best DevOps Training Courses.

DevOps is everywhere, but the benefits are only just starting to be realized. Many organizations continue to run on legacy systems that take too much time and money when they’re focused on growth. As such they need trained professionals to ensure they are using best practices to stay competitive. The DevOps lifecycle involves planning, creating automation scripts, deploying code to production, and testing the product before deployment if any bugs are found.

The best way for an organization to keep up with the pace of development is through automation and continuous delivery (CD). Companies can find themselves in trouble if their tools don’t match what departments need them most- like management or engineering team members –in which case they might be outed as not understanding how important it is to have good tools for DevOps success. Depending on whether you are a manager, developer, engineer, or tester will determine which DevOps skillset and certification(s) are best for you.

First, we will explain what is DevOps, then cover the best certifications. If you prefer, click the button below to go straight to the list.

Table of Contents

What is DevOps?

DevOps refers to a combination of cultural philosophies and practices that increase an organization’s ability to deliver services and applications at high speed. This means that organizations can develop and improve products faster than those using traditional software development or infrastructure management processes.

DevOps allows previously siloed roles (development, IT operations quality engineering, and security) to collaborate and coordinate to produce better products. Teams can adopt a DevOps culture and use DevOps tools to improve their ability to respond to customer requests, build better applications, and reach business goals quicker by adopting DevOps practices.

DevOps is a set of best practices and tools that help software development teams to automate continuous delivery. There are three stages, which include the pre-production phase, production phase, and post-production phase. DevOps Engineer deploys product in the pre-production stage to identify problems in the software before it goes into production. Continuous configuration of product occurs in this process as well. In the production stage, DevOps Engineers monitor the quality of products for any signs of issues or potential errors before production. Moreover, they are responsible for the continuous delivery of the product to ensure that it is always being updated with new features and improvements. DevOps managers are responsible for the integration of DevOps into other business-wide practices.

DevOps is a narrow definition of the term that describes iterative software development and automation, as well as programmable infrastructure deployment, maintenance, and maintenance. It also refers to culture changes such as trust-building between developers and system administrators and aligning technological projects with business requirements. DevOps is able to change the software delivery chain and IT job roles.

DevOps does not refer to a specific technology. However, DevOps environments tend to have similar methodologies. These include:

  • Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), tools with an emphasis on task automatization;
  • Products that support DevOps adoption. These include real-time monitoring, incident management systems, and configuration management.
  • Cloud computing, containers, and microservices can be used concurrently with DevOps methods.

One of the many methods used to deliver IT projects that meet business requirements is DevOps. DevOps can be used in conjunction with Agile software development, IT service management frameworks like ITIL, project management directives such as Lean Six Sigma, Six Sigma, and other strategies.

What is DevOps?

DevOps benefits.

The following are DevOps benefits:

  • Reduced number of silos and better communication between IT groups;
  • Software products are more quickly on the market;
  • Rapid improvement based upon feedback;
  • Less downtime
  • Improvement to the entire software delivery chain through validations, builds, and deployment;
  • Automation has made it easier to do less tedious work;
  • Automated development with increased responsibility and code ownership;
  • Expanded roles and skills.

What is the difference between Agile and DevOps?

DevOps refers to bringing together development and operations teams, while Agile is an iterative approach that focuses on collaboration, customer feedback, and small, rapid releases. DevOps is focused on continuous testing and delivery, while Agile is focused on constant changes.

Agile is focused on improving the efficiency of developers and their development cycles, while DevOps brings in the operations team to facilitate continuous integration and delivery.

DevOps is an extension of Agile that is based on practices not included in Agile. Both practices can be combined to improve software development and produce better products.

Both theories can be used in the context of business needs. DevOps advocates believe that it is possible to see DevOps as an extension of Agile. Agile is based on cross-functional teams, which typically include a designer, a tester, and a developer

DevOps goes one step further and adds an operations person to ease the transition between software development and deployment. DevOps is a communication tool that allows for collaboration with other teams. This can automate processes and increase transparency for all involved.

What is the difference between Agile and DevOps?

DevOps refers to bringing together development and operations teams, while Agile is an iterative approach that focuses on collaboration, customer feedback, and small, rapid releases. DevOps is focused on continuous testing and delivery, while Agile is focused on constant changes.

Agile is focused on improving the efficiency of developers and their development cycles, while DevOps brings in the operations team to facilitate continuous integration and delivery.

DevOps is an extension of Agile that is based on practices not included in Agile. Both practices can be combined to improve software development and produce better products.

Both theories can be used in the context of business needs. DevOps advocates believe that it is possible to see DevOps as an extension of Agile. Agile is based on cross-functional teams, which typically include a designer, a tester, and a developer

DevOps goes one step further and adds an operations person to ease the transition between software development and deployment. DevOps is a communication tool that allows for collaboration with other teams. This can automate processes and increase transparency for all involved.

How does DevOps work?

DevOps refers to a methodology that improves work during the software development process. A DevOps cycle can be described as an endless loop that includes the following steps: plan and code, build, test, release software, deploy, monitor, control, monitor, and then — via feedback — reset the loop.

DevOps means that IT teams create software that meets all user requirements, runs smoothly on first attempts, and deploys quickly. To achieve this goal, organizations use both culture and technology.

Developers and stakeholders must communicate about the project to align it with expectations. Then, developers will work independently on minor updates.

IT teams use CI/CD pipelines to automate code movement from one stage of development to the next. This reduces wait times. IT teams can review any changes and enforce policies to ensure that releases conform to standards.

Writing software is easy. However, it’s not so easy to make software that works. DevOps followers use containers and other methods to ensure that the software behaves the same from development through testing to production. Changes are deployed individually to ensure that issues can be traced. Configuration management is used by teams to ensure consistent deployments and hosting environments. Live operations problems are often discovered by teams and lead to code improvements. This is usually done through an investigation of the root cause and continuous feedback.

Support for live software might be provided by developers. This puts on the developer the responsibility to ensure that runtime issues are addressed. The software design meetings might include IT operations managers, who can offer guidance on how to use resources securely and efficiently. Anybody can help with post-mortems that are free from blame. Collaboration and sharing skills are key to fostering a DevOps culture.



What Knowledge And Skills Are Required For DevOps?‎

What knowledge is required for DevOps Managers?

DevOps is a software development methodology that promotes collaboration and communication across the development lifecycle. Managers of DevOps teams need to be able to comprehend technical issues from a wide range of perspectives. Managers can communicate with and understand all aspects of the infrastructure or service. They also have great insight due to their particular discipline or experience.

Management is not the only thing that DevOps team managers do, it’s more about empowerment. The DevOps lifecycle promotes speed, reliability, and CI/CD. However, it is the responsibility of the DevOps manager to empower the teams to achieve those goals. Is there anything that is slowing down or preventing the team from performing at its best? Is there any process or tools that could be used to help the team?

Management of a DevOps group involves identifying potential conflicts and managing them. DevOps must have a strong, open relationship between security personnel, developers, and IT operations in order to function. To ensure business success and operational efficiency, a DevOps manager will oversee the management of tools, processes, and people operations.

The core values of DevOps culture must be considered in every decision that is made by the DevOps team leader. DevOps deepens the entire team’s exposure to systems in production; and alongside continuous improvements to team collaboration, automation, transparency, and increased accountability-development speed and system reliability improve.

The ultimate goal of a DevOps team leader should be to foster a culture of collaboration and to find faster ways to build reliable services.

Managers of DevOps teams won’t be spending much time coding shop or supporting production services. They will still need to be able to understand the daily work of their team and the skills required for them to succeed. As a DevOps manager, you will find ways to increase system visibility and improve collaboration throughout the organization.

DevOps managers must always strive to improve collaboration and transparency within the organization. However, they are also the best source of cross-functional knowledge sharing. The best DevOps manager begins with the desire to improve and ends with action.

What knowledge is required for DevOps Engineers?

DevOps engineers have the following key responsibilities:

  • Administration of the IT infrastructure
  • The right deployment model
  • Conducting critical monitoring and testing

The DevOps engineers must have some basic programming knowledge such as Perl, Java, and/or Python. This will ensure that they are able to manage the development team effectively and allow for a smooth, trouble-free flow in application installation, configuration, validation.

What is Continuous Integration?

Continuous Integration is a process of integrating new code into the software project. It requires developers to integrate their work with other members in order to make sure no defects remain and that the product works correctly before it goes live.

The DevOps Engineer (DevOps) manages all types of services for an organization, which includes automation tools, monitoring systems, version control systems, building pipelines, and continuous integration tools.

DevOps Engineers and managers are responsible for carrying out operations that streamline and automate the entire development lifecycle. They use a set of tools to automate the infrastructure and monitor services that allow continuous feedback.

How important is a DevOps certification?

Certification providers validate your expertise. The best DevOps certifications are readily available, so it’s important to pick the right one for yourself! The importance of DevOps certification is that it can help you in your professional career. It helps to increase your chances of getting hired by an organization that values this type of skill.

Why should I consider a DevOps certification?

DevOps is here to stay and certification is a must. DevOps careers are consistently ranked among the highest paying jobs in the industry. There is a greater chance of getting offered a job with certification. When considering a DevOps certification, there are many benefits to reaping. For one, the skills that people learn in DevOps certifications can be applied across different industries and sectors. Additionally, companies that offer high-quality jobs have an easier time identifying and recruiting prospective employees with these certifications on their resumes.

Choosing a DevOps certification

The best DevOps certifications are the ones that will land you a job or promotion. For example, if you want to be a DevOps engineer and your company uses AWS environments, then opt for the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer certification. If your company uses Azure instead, then the Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert would be better. For managers, DevOps Foundation and DevOps Leader are great choices. Depending on your role or the one you want to get into will help you narrow down which choices are best for you.

Types of DevOps Certifications

A DevOps certification is a type of certification for those who want to be in the tech industry and work in cross-functional teams. There are many types of DevOps certifications, some serve as introductory courses and others focus on more advanced technical skills. Other certifications are for managers.

Best DevOps Certifications

There are several top-tier DevOps certifications to aim for in 2021, including the following:

DevOps Foundation

DevOps Leader

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Foundation

DevSecOps Foundation

Continuous Testing Foundation

Continuous Delivery Ecosystem Foundation

Certified Agile Service Manager

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer

Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

The Top 9 DevOps Certifications for Developers and Managers

These are the certifications that will help you get promoted or hired, as well as increase your marketability to help you earn more money in this high-demand field. First, determine your role. Are you a manager or an engineer/developer? Or are you a tester? Then determine what you will be doing within that role to decide which is the best fit.

Best DevOps Certifications for Managers

The first two certifications are great for all managers. The next ones are specific to certain roles:

DevOps Foundation

Organizations and their teams must ensure that they are able to provide high-quality software solutions, meet customer expectations, and surpass competitors as DevOps adoption grows. DevOps Foundation is a course that provides a basic understanding of DevOps terminology, aims to make sure everyone speaks the same language, and highlights the many benefits of DevOps for organizational success. The course will allow students to demonstrate an understanding of DevOps basics

DevOps Foundation, learning objectives include understanding:

  • DevOps vocabulary and objectives
  • Benefits for the business and IT
  • Principles and practices, including Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and testing. Security and the Three Ways
  • Relationship between DevOps and Agile, Lean, and ITSM
  • Improvements in workflows, communication, feedback loops, and communication
  • Automation practices, including DevOps toolchains and deployment pipelines
  • Scaling DevOps in the enterprise Key success factors and key performance indicators
  • Real-life examples of success and real-life results

DevOps Leader

To lead people through a DevOps transformation requires new skills, tools, and innovative thinking. Participants who are looking to lead with DevOps and make a difference in their organizations by using this leadership approach will find the DevOps Leader program a practical and unique experience. Leadership skills that enable people to transform their culture require innovative thinking and transformational leadership. Leaders from all levels of the IT organization need to work together and align in order to eliminate silos and improve the organization.

Through case studies and real-life situations, the course focuses on the human dynamics of cultural changes and equips participants to use practices, methods, and tools to engage people across DevOps. Participants will be able to use the tangible learnings from the course when they return to work, such as Understanding Value Stream Mapping.

This course prepares for the DevOps Leader certification.

DevOps Leader learning objectives include understanding:

  • DevOps and time to market
  • The business and IT perspectives
  • Key differences between DevOps IT and traditional IT
  • Planning and organizing
  • Understanding performance and culture
  • Measurement differences
  • Designing a DevOps organization
  • Focusing on what matters
  • Ideas for organizing workflows
  • Sharing information
  • Defining meaningful metrics
  • Value stream mapping
  • The Spotify Squad model
  • Managing culture change
  • Popular tools and key practices
  • Putting it all together

Certified Agile Service Manager (CASM)

DevOps and agile culture increase customer value and deliver greater business performance in a fast-paced and disruptive world. Companies that embrace DevOps practices and agile methods see higher revenue growth and profits, and their businesses grow at a faster pace than their traditional counterparts. This course introduces Agile Service Management, its application, and how to integrate agile thinking into process design and service management processes. Agile thinking enhances IT’s efficiency and effectiveness and allows IT to provide value in response to changing requirements.

Certified Agile Service Manager (CASM) learning objectives require an understanding of the following:

  • What does it mean to “be agile?”
  • The Agile Manifesto, its core principles, and values
  • The Agile principles and practices include ITSM, Kanban, DevOps, and Lean
  • SCRUM is viewed from both a product- and process perspective
  • Agile thinking and service management values
  • Scrum roles, artifacts, and events, as they apply to products and processes.
  • The two main aspects of Agile Service Management:
  • Agile Process Improvement-Ensuring processes are efficient and provide “just enough” control
  • Agile Process Design-Applying Agile principles to process design projects

DevSecOps Foundation

Protect data from being stolen and increase your team’s knowledge about data privacy regulations. Your team can use DevSecOps Foundation to help them prioritize security and compliance in their daily workflows. Organizations must prioritize security and compliance in order to avoid data breaches.

Learning Objectives:

  • Why DevSecOps?
  • Culture and Management
  • Strategic Considerations
  • General Security Considerations
  • IAM: Identity & Access Management.
  • Application Security
  • Operational security
  • Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), as well as Audit
  • Logging, Monitoring, and Response

Continuous Delivery Ecosystem Foundation (CDEF)

Your teams can focus on the vision, while your pipelines handle the execution. You will be amazed at how Continuous Delivery can lead to greater speed. Successful Continuous Delivery results in increased speed to help organizations respond quickly to market changes. Organizations are better able to manage the competition, lower risk, and release higher quality solutions. Having more activities done by pipelines rather than humans increases productivity and employee morale. This allows teams to focus on their vision, while the pipelines execute.

Participants who are involved in the design, implementation, and management of DevOps toolchains and pipelines that support Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, Continuous Testing, and possibly Continuous Deployment. This course will focus on the underpinning processes, metrics, and APls as well as cultural considerations for Continuous Delivery.

The course will cover the key benefits of Continuous Delivery, including improved velocity that allows organizations to react quickly to market changes, allowing them to outmaneuver their competition, lower risk, and release higher quality solutions. Increased productivity and employee motivation due to more activities being performed by pipelines rather than humans. This allows teams to focus on their vision, while the pipelines execute.

This course prepares you for the following certification: Continuous Delivery Ecosystem Foundation (CDEF).

Learning Objectives:

  • Continuous Delivery Ecosystem Foundation, (CDEF),
  • Continuous Delivery Concepts
  • Continuous Delivery Culture
  • Design practices for continuous delivery
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Testing
  • Continuous Delivery and Deployment Continuous Monitoring
  • Infrastructure and Tools
  • Security Assurance

Best DevOps Certification for Testers

Besides the CTF, you may want to consider the Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Foundation mentioned above

Continuous Testing Foundation (CTF)

Reduce business risk and the impact on customers Continuous Testing allows for faster releases, better quality, and lower costs. This course covers all aspects of testing in a DevOps setting. It includes concepts like active testing, early testing, instilling testing skills, quality assurance, and security, as well as instilling testing skills within developers and operational teams.

This course is for IT professionals who are involved in the development or deployment of a DevOps strategy for their company. Test engineering is the foundation of DevOps, and is essential for the success of a DevOps pipeline that supports digital transformation.

This course prepares for Continuous Testing Foundation (CTF).

Learning Objectives:

  • A practical guide to implementing a strong SRE culture within your company
  • Understanding the underlying principles and antipatterns of SRE
  • The organizational impact of SRE. SLIs and SLOs within a distributed ecosystem, and expanding the use of Error budgets
  • Designing for security and resilience in a zero-trust distributed environment.
  • Implementing full-stack observation, distributed tracing, and an observation-driven development culture
  • Using AI to curate data to shift from reactive to proactive and predictive management of incidents
  • DataOps is a tool to create clean data lineage
  • Platform Engineering is crucial in building predictability and consistency
  • Using Practical Chaos Engineering
  • Major incident response responsibilities
  • The execution model for SRE

Best DevOps Certifications for Engineers and Developers

These tend to be specialized for specific roles. Your best choice will depend on what your employer needs, your current role, and your skillset. if you are new to DevOps, you may want to start with DevOps Foundation. Otherwise, consider the following:

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional certifies technical proficiency in managing, provisioning, and operating distributed applications on AWS. This course will teach you how to combine DevOps cultural practices, practices, tools, and philosophies to improve your organization’s ability to develop, deliver and maintain high-speed applications and services on AWS. Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), infrastructure, code, microservices, and monitoring and logging are all covered in this course. Communication and collaboration are also included. You will be able to build and deploy AWS CloudFormation templates, CI/CD pipelines, and serverless and container-based apps on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. You will also find labs for multi-pipeline workflows, and pipelines that can deploy to multiple environments.

This course will teach you how to:

Use DevOps best practices for developing, delivering, and maintaining high-speed services and applications on AWS

List the benefits, roles, and responsibilities for small, autonomous DevOps groups

Create and implement an infrastructure on AWS to support DevOps projects

Use AWS Cloud9 for writing, running, and debugging your code

Deploy different environments using AWS CloudFormation

Learn AWS CodeCommit, which allows you to host private, secure, and highly scalable Git repositories

Integrate Git repositories into CI/CD pipelines

Learn AWS CodeBuild, which automates build, testing, and packaging code

You can securely store and leverage Docker images, and then integrate them into your CI/CD processes

To deploy container-based and serverless applications on Amazon EC2, build CI/CD pipelines

Common deployment strategies like “all at once”, “rolling,” or “blue/green” are all possible

Integration of security and testing into CI/CD pipelines. Monitoring applications and environments with AWS tools and technology

Manage continuous delivery systems and methods on AWS

Automate compliance validation, governance processes, and security controls

Implement monitoring, metrics, and logging systems in AWS

Systems that are high-availability, scalable, self-healing, and self-healing on AWS

Automate operational processes by designing, managing, and maintaining tools

Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

This course will teach you how to implement DevOps practices and processes. Learn how to use source control, plan for DevOps and scale Git for an enterprise., consolidate artifacts. Manage secrets. Implement continuous integration. Create a container build strategy. Set up a release management workflow, implement a deployment pattern, and optimize feedback mechanisms.

Learning Objectives

  • How to plan for transformation.
  • Choose a project and determine project metrics and KPIs.
  • Establish a team and an agile organizational structure
  • Explain the benefits of Source Control
  • Migration from TFVC into Git
  • Scale Git to Enterprise DevOps
  • Recommend artifact-management tools and practices
  • Allow sharing and reuse by abstracting common packages
  • Migrate and consolidate artifacts Integrate source control measures and migrate them
  • Manage application configuration and secrets
  • Create a quality strategy for your project
  • Secure development practices and compliance rules should be planned
  • Manage and implement infrastructure construction
  • Explain why continuous integration is important
  • Implement continuous integration using Azure DevOps
  • Manage code quality, including technical debt, SonarCloud, and other tooling solutions.
  • Security policies can be managed with open source, OWASP, and WhiteSource Bolt.
  • A container strategy should be implemented. This includes how containers differ from virtual machines and how microservices make use of containers
  • Docker is a container platform that can be used to implement containers
  • To align with corporate standards, inspect open-source software packages to ensure security and compliance
  • To access package security and rating, configure the build pipeline
  • Secure access to package feeds can be configured
  • To identify code dependencies that could be converted into packages.
  • Inspect the codebase and Identify and recommend standard package types and versions for the solution
  • Refactor existing build processes to implement version strategy that publishes packages
  • Security and compliance management
  • Define the difference between a release and a deployment
  • Define the components that make up a release pipeline
  • Your release strategy should be designed
  • How to manage the quality of each
  • Explain the concept of release gates, and how to handle release notes and documentation
  • Explain deployment patterns in both the traditional and modern senses
  • Select a release management tool
  • Explain the terminology used by Azure DevOps
  • Explain what a Build- and Release task is and what it can accomplish, as well as some possible deployment tasks
  • Describe and classify: Agent, Agent Queue, Agent Pool.
  • Explain why multiple releases jobs are sometimes needed in one pipeline
  • Differentiate between multiagent and multiconfiguration release jobs

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Foundation

Organizations today deal with more change and a more complicated tech environment, which can lead to higher outages and incidents. IT teams need to improve system resilience and service reliability. The SRE job profile is one of the fastest-growing. Automation and observability are key factors in more efficient deployments.

The SRE Foundation course (Site Reliability Engineer) introduces you to the principles and practices that allow organizations to economically scale critical services reliably. In order to introduce a site-reliability dimension, it is necessary for an organizational re-alignment. This includes a new focus on engineering and automation, as well as the adoption of various new working paradigms.

This course prepares for certification by the SRE Foundation (SREF).

Learning Objectives

  • The SRE Foundation course learning objectives include a practical understanding:
  • The history and emergence of SRE at Google
  • The relationship between SRE and DevOps
  • The principles that underlie SRE Service Level Objectives, (SLO), and their user-focused Service Level Indicators(SLI), and the modern monitoring environment
  • The impact of toil on productivity and error budget policies
  • Here are some practical ways to reduce toil. Observability can be used to assess the health of a service. SRE tools, automation techniques, and the importance of security. Anti-fragility, our approach towards failure, and failure testing. The organizational impact of SRE.


Top 9 Certifications for DevOps

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) About DevOps Certifications

What is the Average Salary for DevOps Engineers?

According to, the average annual salary for a DevOps Engineer is $114,359 per year, as of October 11, 2021.

In case you are looking for a simple calculator to calculate your salary, it works out at $54.98 per hour. This would be equivalent to $9,530/month or $2,199 per week.

ZipRecruiter has reported annual salaries of as high as $163,000, and as low as $42,000. However, most DevOps Engineers currently earn between $95,500 (25th%) to $131,000 (7th%) with the highest-earning (90th%) making $150,000 per year across the United States. There are many opportunities to advance and receive higher pay, depending on experience, skill level, and location.

What is the Average Salary for DevOps Managers? reports that the average salary for a US Devops Manager is $128,176 per year, as of October 11, 2021.

In case you are looking for a simple salary calculator, it works out to $61.62 per hour. This would be equivalent to $2,465/week, or $10,681/month.

ZipRecruiter has seen annual salaries as high at $184,500, and as low at $14,000. However, most DevOps Manager salaries range from $106,000 (25th percentile) to $150,000 (75th%), with the highest earners (90th%) making $174,000 per year across the United States. There are many opportunities to advance and receive higher pay depending on experience, skill level, and location.

What does Agile have to do with DevOps?

Although Agile and DevOps were originally separate methodological movements, they share many traits that improve the efficiency and speed teams. As organizations become more agile and improve their project management skills, they increasingly rely on their technical teams to be able to keep up with the pace and retain certain flexibility. DevOps is the “yang”, to Agile’s” yin. DevOps helps developers use new tools, automation, and cultural strategies to improve not only how they work but also how they interact with others. This creates a mutually beneficial relationship in which product teams work with testers, developers, and other stakeholders to increase contextual awareness. This allows for a higher quality product and a faster delivery time.

Is DevOps A Good Career?

Is DevOps a good option for a career in 2021?

DevOps is a promising career with many solutions to IT problems. It is clear that DevOps professionals are highly paid and committed. Many IT companies are now using DevOps to offer faster and reliable solutions to clients.

Are DevOps jobs in demand?

There were more than 300,000 DevOps jobs in the US over the past twelve months. This demand is growing rapidly across all roles, organizations, and industries.

Is DevOps difficult to learn?

Is DevOps easy to learn? Although DevOps can be learned quickly, it is not easy to master. It requires a change in attitude and behavior.

Does DevOps have a future?

DevOps, the fusion of operations and development, has been around for a long time. A recent Global Market research has released some encouraging numbers about DevOps’ future. “DevOps Market Size exceeded $4Billion in 2019 and is projected to grow at over 20% CAGR between 2020-2026,” they said.

Is DevOps an IT job?

DevOps doesn’t have a career or job title! DevOps can be described as a mindset, philosophy, mindset, and/or set ideas and principles. DevOps should be adopted by all employees or teams. It improves collaboration and reduces bottlenecks.

Is DevOps beneficial for testers?

The DevOps approach encourages automation in testing, which allows developers and testers to quickly launch a new feature. Customers are also happier when the product is delivered quickly.

Is it worth getting a DevOps certification?

You might need a DevOps certificate for many reasons. This certification allows you to improve your skills and keep up-to-date with DevOps trends. It can be used to demonstrate your expertise and allows recruiters to validate it quickly through certification providers.

Dewey McGuirk at New Horizons


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