ITIL is the most widely recognized framework for IT service management. Whether you’re an expert in any of the areas covered by this course or want to become one, then you should consider taking the ITIL v4 Foundation certification, ITIL® 4 Managing Professional and/or ITIL® 4 Strategic Leader.

Introduction to IT Service Management: ITIL v4 Certification Courses .

You want to get back to work or get promoted as a professional manager, but you aren’t sure where to start. There are plenty of certification courses out there that will teach you everything about IT service management, but which one should you take?

Which course is the right fit for your needs? How do they compare in terms of value and what benefits can come from taking them? This article explores this question by looking at IT Service Management certifications that are in highest demand from employers: ITIL v4 Certification framework.

The aim here is to help professionals make an informed decision on how best to suit their needs with respect to the certifications offered.

The ITIL framework is a comprehensive and proven service management model for managing businesses’ IT resources. It will allow you to be more successful in your career because the course is based on real-world experience, not just theory or research.

This article includes everything from why would anyone want to take ITIL certifications to what makes an expert in any area of IT service management that employers are looking for and much more!

Learn how to get certified as a professional quickly and easily to boost your career opportunities.

Table of Contents

What is ITIL?

ITIL is the global leader in IT Service Management. IT professionals use ITIL to provide tech-powered, impactful services for ambitious companies. Certification allows you to make a real leap forward, whether you are a service desk worker, system administrator, manager of services, or leader of your own team.

ITIL v4 represents a major overhaul of the entire framework. ITIL 4 is a flexible, customizable, and more agile version of ITIL. It was updated to meet the needs of today’s workplace. ITIL 4 promotes collaboration across the business and encourages fewer silos. It also integrates Agile, DevOps, and Lean as well as IT governance and leadership into IT Service Management strategies (ITSM).

ITIL 4’s seven guiding principles are:

  • Start from where you are
  • Keep it simple and straightforward
  • Optimize and Automate
  • With feedback, you can move iteratively
  • Collaboration and visibility
  • Work holistically and think about the bigger picture


The ITIL Certification Scheme is a modular approach to ITIL and consists of a number of qualifications that focus on different aspects of IT and digital transformation. ITIL 4 includes the Foundation, Strategic Leader, and Managing Professional certification levels.

ITIL helps individuals and organizations to get the most out of IT and digital services. It provides a framework for service providers to define their direction and align them with the business strategy and customer requirements.

Skills covered

ITIL is a set of best practices for IT. The key concepts are the central principles and process models that define how to operate an organization in order to produce better results.

What skills will you learn?

– Core concepts of ITIL v4 Foundation Certification – Central principles of ITIL v4 Foundation Certification – Process models of ITIL v4 Foundation Certification

The following skills are covered: service level management, customer experience improvements, and ITSM efficiency. These three types of skills can improve the company’s bottom line.

Key features of training

The official AXELOS ITIL Foundation Guide e-book and an ITIL 4 exam voucher are included. The e-book consolidates what you have learned in class and can be used as a guide for your organization and yourself as you start your ITIL 4 adoption. Before you can obtain any of the Managing Professional and Strategic Leader certifications, you must have the ITIL 4 Foundation certification. Additional resources include sample papers with practice exam questions and a study guide.

Live remote classes allow you to take the class from your home. You can also view the recorded classes at your convenience. You can also take practice exams, and you are allowed to retake the class up to six months later. A test pass guarantee is included. If you fail the exam on your first try, we will issue you a second exam voucher.

What is ITIL

What are the benefits of an ITIL certification?

The ITIL certification is a “must-have” credential for IT professionals. It sets the standard for best practices in terms of aligning IT services with business needs. The framework enables organizations to manage changes, transformations, and growth.

This certification is designed to give people the skills required for ITIL implementation. It will help them in their career path, increase income and provide better opportunities with promotion possibilities if they are interested in pursuing a different job role.

Moreover, ITIL is vendor-neutral.

Furthermore, the ITIL framework is intended to be a means of progressing towards an end goal. The benefits that come with having an ITIL certification are many and varied–from increased career mobility and industry recognition to enhanced credibility in your field. and aligns IT services with business needs. For instance, it provides a framework for people to understand the importance of service management in enterprise settings.

IT professionals often consider this certification as a holy bible when looking for opportunities within the field of information technology support.

What jobs can I get after ITIL certification?

A certified ITIL professional can work in a number of different industries. Some examples are healthcare, financial services, information technology, consulting companies, government agencies, etc.

ITIL certification is a foundational level that enables the individual to work in an IT service management position.

Is IT Service Management a good career option?

IT service management is one of the most lucrative career choices. IT service has shown outstanding stability in terms of job growth and compensation. Year on year, there are more opportunities for professionals with ITIL certifications.

ITIL certification is becoming more widely accepted as a standard for IT professionals. With the introduction of many lucrative career options, it has become an excellent stepping stone to success in the field. The ITIL certified professionals are valuable members of large corporations due to their ability to offer business-focused solutions and also because they can be used as internal standards by managers within these organizations.

Many small- and medium-sized businesses recognize the value of ITIL certifications because it offers a competitive edge. In fact, many large corporations now require their employees to have some form of certification for their position or job function. This is why companies like Cisco and IBM offer training on how to implement ITIL in order to stay ahead of the competition.

IT service professionals can also benefit from obtaining an ITIL certification as they will be able to demonstrate that they are qualified for specific project work. They will also be able to work with ITIL coaches or mentors, who help shepherd projects through the various steps of ITIL.

The ITIL certification is a valuable credential for individuals who want to enter the field of IT management and network administration. It’s an internationally recognized and highly valued professional designation that validates your skills as well as technical knowledge in different phases of the service lifecycle, from planning through operations.

It provides you with a competitive edge over other professionals by demonstrating how competent you are at delivering services effectively across multiple technologies.

Industries that use IT Service Management

ITIL certification opens up a variety of lucrative career opportunities, including those as a service portfolio manager or service owner, technical architect and risk manager, availability manager, compliance manager, compliance manager, IT architect, service manager, service manager, service manager, service manager, technical architect, compliance manager, IT administrator, and many others. All these roles are possible with our ITIL training.

ITSM is not only used in information technology but also in many other industries like entertainment, energy, banking, insurance, banking, and healthcare. The ITIL program will prepare you to enter any industry and start a career.

ITIL professionals can find job opportunities at many well-respected companies and can work in nearly all industries. Google, Walt Disney World, Equinor, and Muller Dairy are just a few of the notable companies. This is not a complete list, but it does give you a small glimpse of the possibilities. ITIL certifications can increase your chances of being selected by prominent companies.

Who needs ITIL certification?

ITIL provides a common language for delivering IT services. It also allows you to interact with customers and suppliers more effectively, thereby overcoming any obstacles between IT and business.

Anyone who is interested in becoming a professional IT service provider should consider earning their certification. There are many benefits from doing so, including better services for customers and higher productivity rates. It will also help with your credibility and your career development as well as earning potential.

It’s not surprising that nearly 59% of companies said they’re better able to compete when they had employees with an intermediate-level ITIL certification. This is significant because a complaint of ITIL certification maintains that new knowledge acquisition is rare, and this proves just the opposite.

An ITIL Foundation course is recommended for anyone who wishes to further their IT Service Management career. ITIL Foundation certification will allow you to help a business in its IT service management and use IT as a tool for growth or change. This program helps increase confidence by enabling candidates to design, implement and use IT services to satisfy their customers.

Any manager that wants to grow its market share or develop a new skillset should consider earning an ITIL certification as it will provide them with a strategic advantage in today’s competitive marketplace due to its high ROI potential.

ITIL certification is recommended for professionals looking to be in mid-level and senior management positions. The ITIL framework provides a business view of how an IT department operates. ITIL certifications are a valuable asset that can increase your earning potential and show your ability to use your skillset. Our ITIL training will help you achieve ITIL certification, and improve your career prospects.

Who needs to get an ITIL certification?

Is ITIL still relevant in 2021?

ITIL is still relevant in 2021, but the way it operates needs to be revamped because companies are becoming more mobile. The entire concept of IT service management has changed in recent years and so have the capabilities of the technologies that are used. First, it’s important to understand that ITIL is not a one-size-fits-all solution for every company. It has many timeless truths but can be misapplied when taken too literally.

It is crucial to assess and adapt ITIL guidelines according to the business’s unique characteristics and parameters. If used wisely, the benefits can include reduced costs, increased service delivery, and customer satisfaction, as well as a better alignment between IT groups and business units.

ITIL is not a standard but a collection of best practices. Organizations can adopt as much or as little of the ITIL framework that they find valuable. The more ITIL-compliant processes an organization has, the greater the benefits they will reap.

The 7 Deadly Sins of ITIL Implementation:

Many would like you to believe that ITIL is in decline or that t has lost its relevance in today’s digitally-driven world.

ITIL holds many timeless truths. ITIL, a collection of best practices recommendations, provides a solid foundation for IT Service Management (ITSM), in these rapidly changing times. It is now more relevant than ever thanks to the ITIL 4 updated guidance.

As with many frameworks, there are problems when the guidance is viewed as dogma. ITIL can be slowed down if you take it literally and use it as guidelines to follow rather than recommendations to consider. It will make it difficult to keep up with the ever-increasing demands of users, as well as your organization’s need for modernization and transformation to the digital age.

ITIL can be slowing down your business. Read these seven common ITIL mistakes to learn how you can make ITIL more effective and efficient while keeping ITIL principles in mind.

1) Idolatry ITIL offers a list of best practices, but it doesn’t have all the answers. ITIL is not a one-size-fits-all solution. This leads to a false belief in the value of the process over the outcome.

2) Imbalance ITIL’s roots in waterfall development and risk aversion mean that it is not always balanced with efficiency and speed. Keep risk in perspective

3) Being too ambitious In your quest to do it all, you eat more than you can chew. To prioritize processes, use Agile prioritize processes

4) Complacency This is when we become too comfortable. Complacency can be overcome by prioritizing continuous improvement.

5) Ignorance When you implement ITIL, ignorance is when your efforts and resources have a negative impact on the long-term results. Understanding the purpose of each process is important. Every process in an organization must have a specific purpose. Adhere to the correct KPI’s.

6) Tyranny A situation in which a lot of menial work is being done by the service desk technician. To allow your team to tackle more challenging and interesting projects, you should make problem resolution as near as possible to the user.

7) Rigidity This indicates poor technology. An inflexible service management platform makes it difficult to implement changes quickly or create new capabilities.

ITIL Certification Salaries

The ITIL certification is a must-have credential for anyone who wants to work in IT. Combining ITIL certifications with other certifications can greatly increase one’s earning potential. An ITIL salary can make it possible for someone who has a Cisco certification to earn more than $83,000 per year.

The IT service management career is currently one of the most lucrative. Market conditions can cause fluctuations in employment opportunities for all industries. However, IT services have shown remarkable stability in terms both of job growth and average employee compensation. ITIL certifications are a great way to get a job in IT services. There are many opportunities and roles available.

According to the BLS, those with an ITIL certification may earn up to $148,500 annually. The top 10% of earners make as much as $148,500 per year on average while the lowest 10% earn around $55,000 per year.

7 Deadly Sins of ITIL Implementation

Roles of an ITIL professional

If you want to be a part of the IT industry, and if you’ve always wanted to be an expert in IT Service Management, then these courses will provide you with the necessary skills. With so many professionals becoming certified as ITIL experts, there’s plenty of demand for these individuals in the market.

As an ITIL professional, you’ll be able to help your organization manage its information technology by identifying and implementing best practices. Roles of the ITIL professionals include:

  • Project Managers
  • Analysts
  • Architects
  • Engineers


As a certified professional in this field with experience under your belt for some time now, employers will take notice when they are looking for staff members who can handle their client’s needs effectively while understanding the technical aspects at hand.

ITIL is a set of best practices for IT service management, which are typically associated with IT support. However, it’s important to be aware that the certification can also apply in many other industries beyond just information technology. This course introduces you to the concepts behind introduction-level training and how they can be applied across various verticals while providing more depth on some aspects of what makes them effective.

Which ITIL certification is best to start with?

The ITIL Foundation certification is one of the most popular certifications in the market. This certification is designed specifically to prepare professionals for careers in IT service management, and it’s recommended by AXELOS. Job growth and average compensation for employees are outstanding, which means that there will be plenty of opportunities available to those who have this certification. It also helps people gain a competitive edge since its popularity among professionals makes it easier to find work after graduation or if they want to start their own business.

How to become certified in ITIL

The ITIL 4 certification scheme features two designation streams: the MP and SL. The MP stream is intended for learners who want to focus on improving their skills through modules such as ITIL 4 Foundation, with a specialization in Create, Deliver & Support and an optional module in Strategy: Direct, Plan & Improve. On the other hand, the SL stream is designed for learners who want to specialize in Strategic Leadership roles and plan and execute projects using ITIL techniques. Your starting point is the ITIL Foundations certification.

What is different between ITIL v3 and v4?

The ITIL Foundation certification is a new level of ITIL certification. It introduces the 34 practices, which are about how to manage service management in an organization. The 26 processes from V3 have been replaced by 34 practices.

The ITIL v3 service lifecycle is still alive with the authors of ITIL 4 stating that V3 is still valid guidance for defining the service management process. The ITIL v4 has evolved from the previous version to provide a more holistic view on managing services, in addition to focusing on improving customer satisfaction and reducing costs.

ITIL V3 processes are a set of activities that include information about roles, metrics, and other process-related information. ITIL V4 practices, on the other hand, are capabilities that an organization can perform.

ITIL v3 summarizes Service Management around 26 functions and processes that are part of a continuous cycle of five life cycles: Service Strategy and Design, Service Transition, and Service Operation. The v3 knowledge base is still valuable and relevant.

ITIL 4 provides an enhanced view of the Service Value System (SVS) that gives a complete picture of how it can contribute to business value. It also incorporates concepts from Lean IT, Agile, and DevOps.

AXELOS’ ITIL v4 Foundation course is the first to be offered under the new ITIL 4 certification. All levels require the Foundation course.

ITIL 4 was updated with a new certification scheme. This update provides a practical and flexible platform to assist organizations in their digital transformation journey. It helps them to align their digital, human, and physical resources to be competitive within this complex environment and incorporate these emerging technologies into their IT operations.

With the release of ITIL 4, the context of ITIL is much larger. It focuses on the business world and technology, how it works now, and how it will function in the future, using Agile, DevOps, and digital transformation.

ITIL 4 will be more useful for developers, practitioners, and businesses in general by promoting a holistic approach to delivering products or services.

Which ITIL certification is best to start with?

The ITIL Foundation certification is one of the most popular certifications in the market. This certification is designed specifically to prepare professionals for careers in IT service management, and it’s recommended by AXELOS. Job growth and average compensation for employees are outstanding, which means that there will be plenty of opportunities available to those who have this certification. It also helps people gain a competitive edge since its popularity among professionals makes it easier to find work after graduation or if they want to start their own business.


ITIL 4 certification levels

ITIL v4 is a framework that can help organizations manage their IT services. Foundation certification provides an overview of the ITIL v4, and levels 2-3 provide more in-depth knowledge.

The three different certification levels are:

1) Foundation – This level covers the basics about managing service lifecycles, service delivery principles, service management processes, and common terminology.

2) Managing Professional – This level focuses on continuous improvement of organizational performance through its day-to-day work.

3) Strategic Leader – This level focuses on leading and managing the transformation of an organization into a service-oriented entity.

ITIL® 4 Foundation: an introduction to ITIL 4

This course provides an introduction to ITIL 4. The course is designed for individuals who are new to the IT service management world and want a foundational understanding of what it means to be certified in the ITIL v4 Foundation.

ITIL®, the best-practice framework for IT Service Management, is widely used around the globe. ITIL Version 4 introduces IT Service Management using the Service Value System (SVS) lens. This provides an end-to-end view on how IT Service Management can be used to maximize business value and how to use concepts such as Lean IT and Agile, DevOps, Organizational Change Management, and DevOps. This course teaches you the principles, dimensions, and practices of ITIL®.

ITIL® 4 Foundation is an introduction to ITIL 4. ITIL 4 Foundation certification allows candidates to introduce ITIL 4 and to be able to view IT service management from an end-to-end operational model. This certification is for creating, delivering, and continuously improving tech-enabled products or services.

This ITIL foundation will give you a solid understanding of the ITIL 4 framework and core concepts, as well as terminologies for the ITIL service lifecycle. This ITIL certification will help you understand how ITIL has evolved to incorporate modern technologies and operational processes, as well as the concepts required in a service management framework.

ITIL 4 Foundation is an ITIL entry-level certification that IT professionals can rely on. This ITIL v4 certification training is for ITIL professionals. It is intended to teach learners how to

manage modern IT-enabled services, as well as key concepts and the common language used in the ITIL Services Lifecycle. Anyone with an interest in IT service management can still benefit from the ITIL Foundation certification.

Once you have earned your ITIL Foundation certification, it is possible to further your ITSM career by obtaining the ITIL 4 Strategic Leader and ITIL 4 Management Professional certifications. 

We are dedicated to your success outside of the classroom. The official AXELOS ITIL Foundation Guide e-book and an ITIL 4 certificate exam voucher (with a test pass guarantee) are included with your enrollment in this class. The e-book consolidates what you have learned in class and can be used as a guide for your organization and yourself as you start your ITIL 4 adoption. Before you can obtain any of the Managing Professional and Strategic Leader certifications, you must have the ITIL 4 Foundation certification. Additional resources include sample papers with practice exam questions and a study guide. You can also retake the class for free within six months.

ITIL® 4 Strategic Leader

ITIL® 4 Strategic Leader Digital and IT Strategy (DITS)

ITIL 4 Strategic Leader (SL), recognizes the importance of ITIL for IT operations and all digitally-enabled service. ITIL 4 Strategic Leader (SL) is a sign that you are able to understand how IT affects and directs business strategy.

This course will take you on a digital strategy adventure. The eight-step iterative model, which moves from “vision” to “actions,” is designed to create sustainable digital momentum. The four core capabilities that are required to build a holistic digital capability framework include digital leadership, managing innovation, emerging technologies, risk management, and structuring a digital business.

This course is for CIOs and chief digital officers as well as other CxOs and aspiring CxOs. It also targets consultants and anyone involved in strategic delivery, digital transformations, and service delivery.

Learning Objectives

This course will teach you:

  • How to incorporate external and internal factors into your digital strategy
  • How IT strategy is different from digital strategy and how they could be integrated
  • How to create a digital strategy that maximizes digital’s value
  • Implementing and maintaining a digital strategy
  • For continuous business innovation and value creation, develop and nurture digital capabilities


ITIL® 4 Managing Professional (MPT)

ITIL 4 Managing Professional stream (MP) provides technical and practical knowledge on how to manage IT-enabled teams, services, and workflows. This course is for IT professionals working in technology and digital teams within businesses.

ITIL 4 Managing Professional Transition Module is designed to enable ITIL v3 candidates to seamlessly transition to ITIL 4. They can obtain the ITIL 4 Managing Pro designation by passing one exam and taking one course.

Transition modules allow candidates to acknowledge their past achievements and still gain the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the digital services economy.

This module provides information about the key elements of ITIL 4 Managing Pro:

  • ITIL 4 Specialist Deliver, Create and Support
  • ITIL 4 Specialist Drive stakeholder value
  • ITIL 4 Specialist High Velocity IT
  • ITIL 4 Strategist Direct Plan & Improve


This course will provide an introduction to and discuss key concepts in ITIL 4 Foundation. This course includes a voucher for the certification exam.

Learning Objectives

The ITIL 4 Managing Professional Transition Qualification serves the following purpose:

  • Candidates from the previous ITIL iteration have the option of making a smooth transition to ITIL 4, in order to obtain the ITIL 4 Managing Pro designation.
  • Provide candidates with an overview of the new ITIL 4 Foundation concepts, definitions, and key differences between ITIL 4 and ITIL 4, and how they can be applied.
ITIL Certifications for ITSM

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ's) About ITIL Certifications

What is ITSM?

IT service management, also known as ITSM, is the way IT teams manage end-to-end delivery to customers. This covers all activities involved in the creation, delivery, support, and maintenance of IT services.

ITIL: Why should we use it?

ITIL is the standard worldwide for IT Service Management implementations. It has been used in both the public and private sectors. It provides high-level guidance and detailed guidance regarding Service Delivery and Support. It provides ‘Best Practice’ guidance for how to implement ITIL, and integrate it with other frameworks and methods. It is important to adapt ITIL to meet your organizational needs.

What are the benefits of ITIL adoption?

ITIL’s benefits will vary depending on what type of organization it is, how large and how often they use IT, where it operates and what their business objectives are. ITIL adoption can generally help organizations improve their services. It provides ways to help them manage business risk, service disruption, or failure, and improve and develop positive relationships. They also provide efficient services that meet customers’ needs.

Is ITIL for project managers?

ITIL® is the most widely used standard for services. ITIL® is an excellent qualification for project managers who need to be involved in IT services in some way. This level will allow you to understand the context in which your work is taking place.

What are the benefits of ITIL certification?

ITIL certification improves your productivity, competence, and ability to build better relationships with customers. ITIL expertise can help you optimize the use of resources and make processes more efficient.

What does ITIL certification mean for your career?

ITIL certification will increase your competence. This certification will help you gain a better understanding and appreciation of the ITIL framework. It will teach you how to improve customer satisfaction, user experience, and productivity, as well as collaboration and transparency.

Which is better ITIL or PMP?

ITIL is the best choice if your profession requires IT Service management to increase business value through customer service. PMP is the best option if you are looking to advance in your technical leadership or management.

How many questions are on the ITIL v4 exam?


ITIL 4 Foundation exam contains 40 multiple-choice questions. You will need to complete the exam in 60 minutes.

What is the ITIL 4 pass mark?


Passing grade is 65% and candidates who pass are awarded certificates by an approved examination institution such as PeopleCert, APMG, or EXIN.

Does ITIL V4 expire?

Axelos updated the ITIL 4 in February 2019, to place a greater emphasis on agility, flexibility, and innovation in ITSM. It also supports legacy systems and networks. ITIL 4 was fully implemented by Axelos in February 2019. Axelos also announced plans to end ITIL 3 at the beginning of 2022

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